1 Corinthians 15:49 | Pastor Darryl Curtis
April 11, 2021
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48min : 27sec Views: 627
That which grows from that which is sown is glorious. The seed of the rose plant sits in the hand as a negligible object, but throw it in the ground, and we cherish the glorious rose flower that comes from that same seed that we would never put in a vase on put on our table. And that same cycle of life exists for us.
1 Corinthians 15:19 | Pastor Darryl Curtis
April 4, 2021
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48min : 02sec Views: 649
Since the New Testament is the historical source document for the information that we have about the Lord Jesus Christ, we have to examine the New Testament to ascertain whether the history that the New Testament transmits to us meets the burden of historical proof. If it does, then we have to reevaluate our preconceived ideas about the Lord Jesus Christ to put them in line with that which the New Testament tells us.
1 Corinthians 15:3 | Pastor Darryl Curtis
March 28, 2021
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51min : 49sec Views: 652
Love is important in expressing the gospel to the world. Prophecy is important in expressing the gospel to the world. But without the gospel, the good news of the Lord Jesus Christ, nothing is of any value. For without our knowledge and belief in the gospel, we are not saved from the destruction that is sure to come to the world. Without our knowledge and belief in the gospel, we have no part in the everlasting life that the Lord God would love for us to have and sent His Son to give us.
Peter knew, for a fact, that the fear of death that had caused him to deny Jesus was baseless. The resurrection and ascension of Jesus Christ taught Peter that people actually do not die; rather, they simply go somewhere else to live.
1 Timothy 5:20 | Pastor Darryl Curtis
January 22, 2012
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39min : 15sec Views: 5033
We must learn to accept rebuke calmly, consider the objective content of the rebuke, be slow to take offense, but always be ready for repentance and reconciliation.
James 1:19-20 | Pastor Darryl Curtis
January 15, 2012
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35min : 15sec Views: 2840
We ought not let childhood things negatively influence our behavior. It is not ours to look back at the slights we feel from our history, but to move on to our destiny.
Numbers 20:10–11 | Pastor Darryl Curtis
January 8, 2012
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33min : 52sec Views: 2186
When we decide that we are “good Christians”, we have the tendency to develop either disdain or anger for those that are not, even as Moses showed his disdain for his fellow Israelites by calling them “rebels”. We have to be vigilant to be neither disdainful of nor angry with one another in order to overcome evil with good.