Matthew 15:21-23 | Pastor Darryl Curtis
July 17, 2011
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41min : 58sec Views: 1522
A woman appealing to a man is the design of male/female relationships. Didn’t you have to appeal to your husband to get him interested in you in the first place? Then, when you became girlfriend and boyfriend, didn’t you have to be appealing to him to convince him to give you that ring?
God does not command us to feel an emotion. God commands us to act; to give ourselves to one another sacrificially, even as He gave His Son to us sacrificially. The emotion that we colloquially call love is our reward for giving ourselves.
Jesus Christ has paid our penalty, so we don’t have to continue to find someone to blame for our circumstances and we don’t have to continue to justify that which we do by making it someone else’s fault.
Jesus Christ did not come to condemn us, but He did come to admonish us stop listening to the foolishness of the devil and disobeying the instructions of God.
Every time we decide to “do our own thing” rather than following God’s instructions, we ultimately learn, by our own experience, that God’s instructions are correct and our “thing” is wrong.
Jesus saved the day at a wedding at the behest of the mother whom He loved, because Jesus’ ministry was not about ceremonial law or sacrifices, but about love.