2 Samuel 11:4 | Pastor Darryl Curtis
November 14, 2010
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43min : 17sec Views: 1722
If anyone in your life is more emotionally important to you than your spouse, the two of you are not "one". Two people can marry, share a domicile and even share a bed, but if someone is emotionally closer to one of them than their spouse, it is intuitively obvious that the two cannot be “one”.
1 Samuel 25:18-19 | Pastor Darryl Curtis
November 7, 2010
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39min : 50sec Views: 1752
Not only is a gentle and quiet spirit precious in the sight of God, but a gentle and quiet spirit makes a husband love his wife. In the wedding vows, the vow to love, honor and cherish comes before the vow of fidelity. The avoidance of arguing and strife is that which love, honoring and cherishing is all about.
1 Samuel 18:20-25 | Pastor Darryl Curtis
October 31, 2010
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39min : 16sec Views: 1690
A woman building up her house has nothing to do with brick and mortar; it has to do with a woman giving herself to cement the relationship between herself and her husband. Michal, the King’s daughter, served her husband David instead of King Saul. Jesus Christ, the King’s Son, also took on the demeanor of a servant.
1 Samuel 1:11 | Pastor Darryl Curtis
October 24, 2010
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39min : 37sec Views: 1472
Sex and childbearing outside of wedlock is the wicked way. Those that reject this teaching lack humility because think that they know better than God. But children are a blessing to our lives when we have them within the will and plan of God.
1 Samuel 1:8 | Pastor Darryl Curtis
October 17, 2010
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38min : 04sec Views: 1916
A calm, sweet, grateful, loving person is extremely attractive. But in our society, our marriages often fall apart because that sweet person that we married decides, once the ceremony is over, that they are no longer going to be our lover, but rather our drill sergeant.
It is inappropriate to allow feelings, however romantic they may be, to motivate us to deviate from that which we know is the objective design of God for the interaction of the genders.
A man is putty in the hands of a woman if she influences him with the power of love. God has given women that which they need to help and to influence a man to become that which he should, and ultimately, to form a loving and bonded relationship with her.
Ruth 3:12-13 | Pastor Darryl Curtis
September 26, 2010
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40min : 12sec Views: 1680
The marital relationship is not intended by God to be a relationship that is initiated because of emotion. When making a marriage decision, an objective evaluation of Biblical criteria is more important than an emotional attachment.