John 21:1-24 | Pastor Darryl Curtis
November 15, 2009
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45min : 07sec Views: 1904
Our sins are forgiven because of the mercy of God through the sacrifice of Jesus Christ, and our love for Jesus because of His goodness to us calls to love one another as He has loved us.
Matthew 27:51-56 | Pastor Darryl Curtis
November 8, 2009
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44min : 32sec Views: 2077
It doesn’t matter what kind of sinner you were, or how great your disbelief was before your conversion. Jesus is willing to provide you with the experience that will convince you of His deity, and then He is also willing to forgive your disbelief, because the Son of Man has come to seek and to save that which was lost.
Matthew 27:51-56 | Pastor Darryl Curtis
November 1, 2009
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44min : 18sec Views: 1948
We don’t have to perform any ritual to make up for that which we have done, because the Blood of Jesus Christ has paid the penalty for all that we have done. All we have to do is to repent and return to loving God and our neighbor.
Matthew 27:45-50 | Pastor Darryl Curtis
October 25, 2009
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38min : 04sec Views: 2042
God offers us Heaven as a free gift through the sacrifice of Jesus Christ. Let us not arrogantly reject Jesus as did the Jews, or ignorantly reject Jesus as did the Romans, but let us recognize the purpose and the prophecy of Jesus’ sacrifice and, in so doing, stay out of Hell.
Matthew 27:32-38 | Pastor Darryl Curtis
October 18, 2009
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43min : 11sec Views: 1856
The plan of God is not without trials and tribulations, not without problems and pitfalls, not without degradation and disappointments, but at the end of the plan, it says, “And the third day, He will rise again.” And it is not just speaking about Jesus.
Luke 23:22 | Pastor Darryl Curtis
October 11, 2009
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39min : 06sec Views: 1952
Jesus was willing to follow the plan of God. Although He had committed no sin and although His crucifixion would be the greatest miscarriage of justice of all times, Jesus was willing to accept crucifixion because His death on the Cross would fulfill the plan of God to save the souls of all of those that believe in Him.
Matthew 27:11-14 | Pastor Darryl Curtis
October 4, 2009
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37min : 35sec Views: 2090
Our entrance into Heaven does not depend upon how well we compare to other people, but how well we compare to the absolute standard of sinlessness. But God, in His wisdom, developed the sacrificial system, and Jesus Christ’s sacrifice satisfies the sentence of every single sinner. God will not condemn Christians regardless of what sin we commit, as long as we believe in Jesus Christ and do not blaspheme the Holy Spirit.
Matthew 26:59-68 | Pastor Darryl Curtis
September 27, 2009
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38min : 14sec Views: 2535
These Jews have had their trial before God. They thought that they were trying Jesus, but the fact is that God is trying them, as He is trying all of us. The evidence for the Messiahship of Jesus Christ is before all of us, and all of us have to vote to either accept or reject Jesus’ statement that He is the Christ. It’s not just the Jews that have to vote on Jesus; we all have to vote.