2 Corinthians 12:7 | Pastor Darryl Curtis
July 4, 2021
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62min : 47sec Views: 710
We are all sinners, saved by the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ. And although we are saved by the goodness and mercy of the Lord, we all still have the sin nature, that carnal man that we inherited from Adam. But it is ours to recognize our shortcomings, and to do all that we can to avoid sin and improve our situation.
2 Corinthians 10:3 | Pastor Darryl Curtis
June 27, 2021
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56min : 05sec Views: 741
The church cannot afford to be oriented towards the things of this life. Possessions, earthly accomplishments, fame and reputation cannot be the focus of the church. The spread of the gospel has to do with convincing people that their objective should be everlasting life, and this physical life that we are living on earth is certainly not everlasting life.
Ecclesiastes 7:26 | Pastor Darryl Curtis
February 6, 2011
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38min : 51sec Views: 1594
From a spiritual perspective, one of the most important choices that anyone can make, after accepting Jesus Christ Savior, is that of a Christian spouse. Marriage is the most important and most intimate relationship that we can have, because it is the relationship, above all others, in which we can practice Jesus’ command to love.
2 Samuel 12:13 | Pastor Darryl Curtis
December 12, 2010
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40min : 32sec Views: 1664
God wants our relationship with Him to be intact whether or not we keep the letter of His law. As a matter of fact, God recognizes our sinfulness and has made provision for our sins, even before we commit them.
Ruth 3:1 | Pastor Darryl Curtis
September 19, 2010
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40min : 10sec Views: 1737
God did not create the man as an infant, but as one that had the maturity to consider the needs of another over his own. The sequence of operations that prepares us for marriage is to first reach chronological maturity, and then intellectual maturity, and then emotional maturity, at which point, a person is able to co-exist with another person while having the best interests of the other person at heart.
James 2:14-17 | Pastor Darryl Curtis
February 11, 2007
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45min : 37sec Views: 1652
Our disobedience to God has earned us a place in hell, and we are not worthy to talk about heaven, lest known go there. If you were to ask; “based upon personal merit, who is worthy of heaven?” the answer would be “no one”. I am not worthy of heaven, but, like the thief on the cross who wasn’t worthy either, I’m going to heaven anyway.
James 2:1-4 | Pastor Darryl Curtis
January 28, 2007
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44min : 47sec Views: 1775
Jesus died for the sins of all men, regardless of their ethnic group, their racial heritage, their national origin or their religious affiliation. Jesus Christ is the great common denominator between men; He is the one by which we all must be saved.