2 Corinthians 12:7 | Pastor Darryl Curtis
July 4, 2021
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62min : 47sec Views: 634
We are all sinners, saved by the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ. And although we are saved by the goodness and mercy of the Lord, we all still have the sin nature, that carnal man that we inherited from Adam. But it is ours to recognize our shortcomings, and to do all that we can to avoid sin and improve our situation.
2 Corinthians 6:14 | Pastor Darryl Curtis
May 30, 2021
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49min : 30sec Views: 573
It is incumbent upon every good father to make sure that his sons and daughters are exposed to the wisdom in the Word of God, without which, the children are destined to go down the primrose path to destruction. Yes, it is possible for the children to avoid the trials and tribulations of this life without the guidance of their father, but it is unlikely that they will do so.
1 Corinthians 5:4-5 | Pastor Darryl Curtis
March 13, 2011
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43min : 43sec Views: 1544
The purpose of Biblical love is to facilitate salvation, that men should not perish but have everlasting life. Since none of the attributes of Biblical love are emotions, it is possible to show love to someone for whom you feel no emotion whatsoever, or even someone for whom you feel negative emotion. Love requires us to perform loving actions because of God’s command to do so.
1 Samuel 18:20-25 | Pastor Darryl Curtis
October 31, 2010
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39min : 16sec Views: 1616
A woman building up her house has nothing to do with brick and mortar; it has to do with a woman giving herself to cement the relationship between herself and her husband. Michal, the King’s daughter, served her husband David instead of King Saul. Jesus Christ, the King’s Son, also took on the demeanor of a servant.
Judges 14:4 | Pastor Darryl Curtis
August 22, 2010
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37min : 09sec Views: 1941
It requires a great deal of personal discipline and a close relationship with God to overcome the temptation of the free love generation. And Israel proved not to have the discipline.
Although God says that the husband is the head of the wife, when the husband abdicates his responsibilities, God will use the wife to get the job done. Deborah shows us that God will use whomever is willing to say, “Thy Kingdom come, thy will be done on earth, as it is in heaven.”
Proverbs 3:12 | Pastor Darryl Curtis
June 20, 2010
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38min : 00sec Views: 1515
Godly leaders always have to make more objective decisions, because the leader’s job is to move the organization from “want to” to “ought to”. The leader cannot do that which he wants, but must do that which he ought; that which he is commanded to do by God.
Genesis 30:1-2 | Pastor Darryl Curtis
March 21, 2010
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37min : 39sec Views: 7043
A man cannot be responsible, in most cases, for his wife’s happiness. He can provide her with the creature comforts that are available to him, but her happiness is directly proportional to whether or not she decides to be grateful that that which he does. It is impossible for a man to do whatever a woman wants, because her desires change with her circumstances.