Proverbs 7:24-27 | Pastor Darryl Curtis
January 16, 2011
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40min : 44sec Views: 1771
The Holy Spirit is our Helper. But He does not make our decisions for us. Our conduct is still our own decision. With the help of the Holy Spirit, we have to deny the call of our members, of our flesh, and even of those that would tempt us, and decide to do that which is right rather than wrong.
1 Kings 3:9 | Pastor Darryl Curtis
January 9, 2011
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41min : 10sec Views: 1725
We are preparing for another life in heaven after this life on earth, and that our dominion will not end on Planet Earth, but will carry on to our eternal life if we conform ourselves to the Plan of the Lord Jesus Christ and use our earthly experiences to learn the principles that the Lord teaches us in His Word.
But if we don’t learn to love here, we can forget about dominion over there.
2 Samuel 12:10 | Pastor Darryl Curtis
January 2, 2011
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41min : 24sec Views: 1644
Jesus Christ rose from the dead, physically, on that first Easter Sunday morning, to let us know, through the testimony of the disciples and the ministry of the Holy Spirit, that we are preparing for another life in heaven after this life on earth.
Our dominion will not end on earth if we conform ourselves to the Plan of the Lord Jesus Christ and use our earthly experiences to learn the principles that the Lord teaches us in His Word.
2 Samuel 12:10 | Pastor Darryl Curtis
December 26, 2010
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41min : 36sec Views: 1669
The Biblical design of gender is, that before sexual activity begins, a man will make a volitional decision to marry a woman and propose marriage to her, followed by the acceptance of the man’s proposal of marriage by the woman.
2 Samuel 12:14 | Pastor Darryl Curtis
December 19, 2010
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43min : 08sec Views: 1580
Neither education, nor riches, nor fame will equip us for heaven, but we will only be equipped for heaven if we have the ability to act lovingly, especially in our primary human relationship, which is, marriage.
2 Samuel 12:13 | Pastor Darryl Curtis
December 12, 2010
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40min : 32sec Views: 1664
God wants our relationship with Him to be intact whether or not we keep the letter of His law. As a matter of fact, God recognizes our sinfulness and has made provision for our sins, even before we commit them.
2 Samuel 11:5 | Pastor Darryl Curtis
December 5, 2010
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41min : 53sec Views: 1664
We must continually preach repentance, hear about repentance and actually repent because that it is so easy for us to allow our sins to beset us, so easy for us to become defensive about the evil that we may do, and so easy to decide us to call wrong right.
2 Samuel 6:23 | Pastor Darryl Curtis
November 28, 2010
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42min : 21sec Views: 1642
Choose to marry a mature person with whom you share a value system, and the two of you should not have “conflict” with one another. The idea of marriage is not to learn to fight well; the idea is to choose someone with whom a fight will be unnecessary.